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Asian Model Palooza III

April 19, 2003

Photos and text by Rachel Worth.  Copyright © 2003 Worth-a-Million Productions.

The negatives may have outweighed the positives this time for me...
Getting in was extremely frustrating and complicated
With one of my photographers in tow, I arrived at AMP III about an hour after the event was supposed to begin (which was either 8:00 p.m. or 9:00 p.m. I'm not exactly sure because the AMP website had conflicting information as to the starting time). There was an extremely long line along the south wall of the building. I was told that there would be a special Press entrance around to the right, so we walked past the first entrance to the other one and saw the second line which wrapped around the north side of the building, but wasn't as long as the first line. We asked the guy who seemed to be in charge where the Press should enter and he said to get in that second line. I questioned whether the line was definitely for Press (because usually we're let right in) and he assured me it was.

We found out that this was also the line for VIPs--people who paid extra in advance to get more benefits, including this special entrance. Well... this was a disaster! The line just didn't seem to move, and it took forever to get to the front. We found out a couple reasons why: One was because there were no organized lists of the VIPs. If you were Press, and your name was on the list, it was easy to find your name. But, if you were a VIP, you were not exactly on a list; you were on one of dozens of pieces of paper that contained your e-mail address, but no one put them in any kind of order, so it meant that the guy had to look through every single piece of paper each time someone gave him a name.

They charged additional money at the door from everyone
The other problem in our line and in the long pay-at-the-door line was that they charged EVERYONE an unexpected extra $10 for two tickets for non-alcoholic drinks, whether you wanted them or not. There was no mention of this on the website and prolonged the wait while they collected the additional money. When I said that Press was not supposed to pay to get in, and I didn't want any drinks, the guy at the entrance said that everyone had to pay. When I asked to speak to the promoter who had approved me as Press, he said we had to wait to the side. I said, "after waiting all this time in line?" At first he said that's what we needed to do. A couple minutes later, this other guy who was helping him told us to just go on in. I read subsequently that other Press left the premises without ever going in because of this treatment. In speaking to the promoter later, he said that Press was not supposed to be charged.

The cost was too high for the non-comped people
So, now, for people who had to pay to enter, the cost was a minimum of $40 (the website said $30). That's really steep for an event of this kind. And, then, there was money necessary for a whole lot of other enticements inside: $25 if you wanted a 10 minute private shoot with one of the girls, money for lap dances, money for sitting inside a large limo with one of the girls and taking pictures, tips for waitresses who brought you the drinks you paid for with your tickets, and all of the pictures and other items the models were selling in their booths that were set up around the perimeter of two rooms.

Other negatives, and then I'll get to the pluses:
1) The place was WAY too crowded. They allowed everyone to bring cameras, but it was very difficult to get good pictures unless you were very tall or you were right in front of the crowd. Mostly non-Press people are there--some with very expensive, professional cameras--taking pictures that they will later sell, while those of us who are there to cover and promote the event can't get the pictures we need.

2) Some of the activities that were supposed to occur never happened: the wet t-shirt contest, for one, and I don't think they ever did the skimpiest outfit contest, either, or some of the other contests that were supposed to be for cash prizes.

Okay, now for the positive things:
I think the promoter obviously did a great job getting people there by his excellent promotion of the event, and he also did a fantastic job as the emcee for the whole night. This time they expanded the event into two rooms, with some events going on in one room and some in the other. The dancers (some were house girls and others were only there as part of the event) were great, the bondage demonstration by Lana Li and Sheila was excellent, and the Nyotaimori (eating sushi off a naked woman) demonstration was very unique and sensual.

For the Nyotaimori demonstration, Tomo disrobed and lay down on a table as Lana Li and a couple other girls placed strawberries and sushi all over her body. Then Lana, who was joined for a short time by Lucy Lee, leaned over and sensually ate some of the food off of Tomo's naked torso.

For the event to succeed in the future, a few changes need to happen:
1) The website should contain complete (and well-presented) information about what the event is going to cost.
2) The process at the entrance must improve tremendously. There needs to be alphabetical listings of VIPs and Press and lots more people assisting, so people can get in without such a long delay.
3) There should be early admission, and a separate line, for Press so they can position themselves before the crowds come in. A special wristband and special areas for Press only would be good.
4) The cost should be more reasonable.
5) Smokers should not be in the large entryway in the lounge. The smoke was still coming in to the room.
6) Activities should be going on in both rooms at all times. It was a great idea to spread it into the second room (the lounge), but the lounge wasn't utilized enough. There were exhibitors (models and adult businesses) all around the room, which was good. There was a stage in the lounge, but, to my knowledge, only the nyotaimori demonstration occurred in there. If there had been dancing on the stage in that room, the crowd would have been more evenly distributed, which would have alleviated the overcrowding in the other room. At times, there were hardly any people in the lounge, which wasn't good for the exhibitors.

Max Harcore was there, with Catalina and Summerluv. He's such a nice guy in person, you'd never imagine that he could make the extreme hardcore movies he does. He gave me a hug and complimented me on my website. The only other people I recognized were Tina Toy, who always gets excited to see me and gives me a big hug, Don Fernando and Sabrine Maui, whom I never seem to get to talk to. Another celeb, who was there filming a segment for his show, was Poorman, who has a cable show called Poorman's Bikini Beach. I got a chance to talk to him for a while, and he is going to come to the Bowling for Scholars event on May 25 and tape a segment there.

Jade Hsu

Mia Fox

Teanna Kai

Tina Toy


Lana Li

Nikoma Lee
and Toni Leigh

Katherine Thom

Linda Winn

Jade Hsu
and Sabrine Maui

Nyotaimori Demo--
Lana Li & Tomo

Lana Li
and Sheila

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For information on Asian Model Palooza, go to If they iron out some of the problems, I would definitely recommend that you go, especially if you are a fan of hot Asian models and dancers.

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