Dancing the night away
Peekaboo Girls Party

October 15, 2003

Photos and text by Rachel Worth, Copyright © 2003. All photos are the
property of Worth-a-Million Productions and may not be used without permission

Seen in the pictures below are Larry Davis--owner of LoveGunn--with Niki Johnson (wife of Larry's partner, Tommy) and also with Jenna Haze. Others pictured include a go-go dancer, Jill Kelly, Kitten, Charmane Star, Lara Lewis (a newcomer from Scotland), Kitty, Sheridan Leigh, Monique Alexander, Rhiannon Bray and Nick Manning.
Adam Saaks
LoveGunn - website coming soon
Jill Kelly Productions
Peekaboo Girls

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WHAT A GREAT PARTY!!  Sorry for shouting, but it really was a great party. It had all the required elements to be a success: wonderful hosts, entertainment, top stars, music, dancing, terrific location, booze, and lots of great people. And, there actually was a better ratio of girls to guys than usual, which I'm sure pleased the guys who were there.

The reason behind tonight's festivites was to celebrate the release of the Peekaboo Girls line of videos. This new line of adult entertainment is hosted by superstar Jill Kelly, who is seen throughout the movies, and repesents a collaboration between Jill Kelly Productions and LoveGunn Productions. LoveGunn owners, Larry and Tommy, were very busy at the party visiting with everyone and making sure all were having a good time. Jill was sitting in a booth with her new husband, Corey Jordan, and called me over to sit with them. She also very graciously posed for a lot of pictures for me in the less-crowded dining area of the Barfly.

I saw lots of well-known stars, met some newcomers and talked to others who may have just paid to get in, since this wasn't a private party. Dani, my favorite porn set caterer, was there with her husband and a friend. A lot of the crew I've gotten to know from the JKP shoots were there and JKP girl Tyler Faith was looking cute as always. Mark Davis was there with his wife, Kitten. I love Mark; he is always so nice to me. Carly Milne was there and told me she was leaving the next day for England. Here are a couple pictures of Mark with Carly and Mark with Kitten.

Carly & Mark

Kitten & Mark

The Peekaboo Girls videos were playing on a large screen at the back of the club. The movies contain scenes from wild parties and events shot in many different locations--on boats, in the water, in clubs and other places in various cities. No doubt, from what I saw, this will be a very successful line of videos, and I expect that it will grow to become an extensive collection.

Entertainment at the party was provided by fashion designer Adam Saaks, whose "garment artistry" is something to behold. He starts with an ordinary t-shirt and with some snips here and some twists there and some ties there, he creates a beautiful sexy top. There was no shortage of girls lining up to get on stage to partake in his fashion magic. He kept at it all night long. Here are a few pictures:

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