BiSexual Britni is NOT dead

Someone Maliciously Reported her Demise in her Yahoo Group

09-08-04 -- In the wee hours of this morning, many fans of BiSexual Britni were grieving after they read the news of her death. An evil-doer had posted the following message in the Yahoo group Darcriders (Denver Adult Riders Club):
"Britni Taylor (bisexualbritni) was killed today in a motorcycle accident. She was riding northbound on Sante Fe at approximately 9PM when a car swerved into her lane and hit her head on. She was killed instantly. More information to follow as more information comes in."

Some reacted with shock and sadness; others doubted the message's validity. When Britni awoke this morning she found out about the dastardly deed and posted this message at 9:09 a.m.:
"I have no idea what is going on or how this happened, but I AM NOT DEAD. I did not even ride yesterday. I went to bed at about 1AM and just woke up. I must have 100 messages on my answering machine offering condolences. This is very spooky. I am guessing whoever has been morphing names to spread viruses also thought this would be funny. Freaking stalkers."

Fortunately, fans will be able to continue to follow Britni in her motorcycle ride adventures and her interesting life.

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