FOXE 13 to Feature
the Legendary Seka

FOXE 13 will feature the "Broasting" of the luminous legend SEKA, as well as performances by many adult actresses who have created special dance numbers for the event. Tina Toy, for one, will be dancing, and her performances are always amazing. Plus, of course, there will be the presentation of the "Fan Favorite" awards. This event will be held on Thursday, June 17, at The Mayflower Ballroom (234 Hindry Avenue) just off the San Diego Freeway in Inglewood. FOXE members will be receiving their ballots shortly.

Ticket prices will be $50 per ticket or three for $125 with all of the proceeds (after expenses) going to The Protecting Adult Welfare Foundation.

Please feel free to promote this event to your friends and associates, and advise them that they will be given a membership in FOXE along with their ticket purchase. However this offer will expire on May 22, as once new members have joined, they are eligible to vote, and their ballots will need to be sent out, leaving enough time to be returned and to be tabulated by the June 12 deadline.

Ticket payments ($50 per ticket or three for $125) can be sent in to:
8033 Sunset Blvd. PMB 851
Los Angeles, CA 90046

For further details, you are welcome to call Bill Margold at (818) 501-6139 or e-mail [email protected].

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