Private Shoot with
Cindy from

March 1, 2002

Photos and text by Rachel Worth. Copyright © 2002, Worth-a-Million Productions.
Absolutely NO photos or text may be used without permission.

I picked up Cindy at the Los Angeles Airport on a beautiful day in L.A. She appreciated the warm California weather, having just come from a cold day in Canada. We went to her hotel on the beach, and there was only enough time for a quick photo shoot before we had to leave for the studios where Cindy was to make an appearance on the Wanker Show. She is in town for nine days, during which time Cindy will be doing many different shoots and will be adding lots of new content to her site. Cindy was a lot of fun to be with, and I hope I'll see her again in the future. Here are a few of the softcore photos from the private shoot. Photos shot at KSEX, along with a lot more details of our evening, will be coming soon in the KSEX Section of this site.

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