Here is why foot lovers
frequent Jacklyn Lick's show
Tales of Tail
In the KSEX Studio
and Jock Lounge
March 1, 2002

Photos and text by Rachel Worth, Copyright © 2002. All photos are the property of
Worth-a-Million Productions and may not be used without permission

Cindy from arrived today from Canada, and despite her fatigue from the flight, appeared the same night on The Wanker Show, hosted by Wankus and co-hosted by Heather Lyn.

Tonight's show was a very special one. The show was taped in a television show format for possible future broadcast on television. New segments were added, such as Wanky's Pranks and KSEX show auditions.

Cindy was brought out on the show and was given the usual full body search to make sure she wasn't a terrorist. She was asked to self-gratify and had brought along a lot of toys for the task. She assured Wankus she wouldn't fake the orgasm and kept warning Heather, who was with her on the couch, to make sure the microphone wasn't too close. Well, it took a while, but she really came hard, along with very loud wailing.

Because of the special simultaneous taping for television, Wankus's show went over the usual time slotted for his show, so tonight Jacklyn Lick's show, Tales of Tail, had to be cancelled. Before she left, I asked her if I could get a picture of her feet for a special fan named Clay. He is one of the many foot-loving fans who encourage Jackie to show her feet and beg the cameraman to get a close-up of them. The photo is at the top of this page.

Next show up was Temptation, with Lorrainiac and Cuzz Fucker, and Mike Rick, owner of KSEX, sat on the couch for a bit and chatted with the hosts. Mike also has a show, KSEXperts, on the station from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. PST, soon to move to a 4:00 to 5:00 time slot. Wankus came in to sing a song to a fan named Akit, who had earlier recited a poem about Wankus.

Click any photo to enlarge

The Wanker Show: Wankus and Heather with guest, Cindy
Cindy and Heather
Cindy and Heather
Cindy and Heather
Cindy and Heather
Cindy and Heather
Cindy and Heather
Wankus & Cindy
Wankus & Cindy
Cindy & Daisy
Cindy & Daisy
Wankus, Cindy & Daisy
Wankus, Cindy & Daisy

Temptation with Lorrainiac and Cuzz Fucker, with Mike Rick and Wankus
Mike, Cuzz, & Lorrainiac
Mike, Cuzz, & Lorrainiac
Mike & Cuzz
Mike & Cuzz
Wankus & Lorrainiac
Wankus & Lorrainiac
Wankus & Lorrainiac
Wankus & Lorrainiac

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