New Year's Eve
December 31, 2001

Photos and text by Rachel Worth. Copyright © 2001. All rights reserved.
Absolutely NO photos or text may be used without permission.

Although it's always a party at KSEX, tonight was pushed up more than a couple notches. Almost all the KSEX hosts were there to welcome in the new year. Family and friends were also on hand to witness the debauchery. Let me say, there was a lot of sexual activity in the studio that night! 2002 definitely started out with a Bang--well, for some people, anyway. I will be adding a lot more photos to this page as I capture some of the frames from the video. Sorry, but the explicit photos are being saved for the Members' Section.

Click any photo to enlarge

Wankus & Samantha
Wankus & Samantha
Wankus & Samantha
Wankus & Samantha
Rainy & Wankus
Rainy & Wankus
Daisy & Rainy
Daisy & Rainy
Rainy & Wankus
Rainy & Wankus

Lots more photos will be in the Members Section, coming soon

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