More Pictures from the KSEX Studio
November 23, 2001

Photos and text by Rachel Worth. All photos and text are the property of
Worth-a-Million Productions and may not be used elsewhere without permission.

Temptation with Lorrainiac,
Cuzzin Fucker and Angela

Click any photo to enlarge
Celebrate with the happy couple: Lorrainiac (Rainy) and Cuzzin Fucker
Daisy fixes Angela's laptop and gets an interesting thank-you. Cuzz and Lorrainiac join in.
Drinking toasts to Lorrainiac and Cuzz and to KY, a fan who officiated the wedding over the phone.

Shenanigans in the Jock Lounge

This is where the hosts and guests go
during breaks and after the shows.

Click any photo to enlarge
Sam's eating a chocolate chip cookie and Wankus wants to share.
Wankus and Samantha having some fun.
           Rainy and Cuzz enjoy a few beers                             Angela cuddles with Johnny
  Daisy with Johnny                   Daisy, Johnny & Brandi               Angela, Johnny & Rainy

Back to PAGE ONE for pictures from the
Wanker Show and Tales of Tail.

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